Ever since I picked up a copy of Merchant of Venice as a literature-obsessed thirteen-year-old, ready to wow my new high school English teacher with my acting prowess, Shakespeare has stolen my heart. Now, I know what you're thinking - Merchant? Really? That play about racism and greed and taking a literal pound of flesh? And I agree, it was was never my favourite play to study, especially as I watched out the window while my friends in the other class ran around as Titania's fairy band... But it was not about which characters we got to read or what lessons we learned; for me it has always been about the musicality of the language and the incredible challenge the Bard posed to my nerdy little self.
So when the opportunity arises to spend two weeks in the replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, working with the directors, coaches and actors who bring these works to life for their jobs, and learning from equally Shakespeare-obsessed human beings - well, how could I ever pass that up?
So that's Teachers Go Global in a nutshell - we, the teachers, go to the Globe! Eight teachers from all over NZ have been selected to partake in this phenomenal experience and we will join forces with 24 NZ students from the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival on an incredible journey through London. It was created by Shakespeare's Globe Centre NZ and organised by the wonderful Dawn Sanders.
The highlight for me? Performing on the Globe stage! We will be rehearsing and performing a short 45-minute version of The Winter's Tale on July 19th at 11pm - you can even come and watch if you're in town! Who wouldn't want to tread those historic boards, following in the footsteps of some of the world's most incredible actors? We will also get to experience the new Sam Wanamaker Playhouse - the Globe Theatre's indoor counterpart - check it out here!
Essentially, we'll be doing pretty much this stuff for two weeks, as well as sight-seeing and exploring the city of London - whoohoo!
Sessions with the Heads of Movement, Voice, and Text, Music & Wardrobe
Tours of the Globe, the Rose and a Shakespeare Rally
Study of Elizabethan stages
Talks and Q&As with Globe actors and directors
Rehearsals by a Globe Education director
Visiting some local schools with Globe Ed. practitioners
Attending performances at the Globe & National Theatres
Sound awesome? Are you a teacher? You should apply now for 2020!